Individuals and Families

Find and follow your best migration pathway.

We have over 20 years’ experience focused on managing Australian immigration and visa requirements for individuals and families. We know the most effective approach to help you find your best migration pathway to live and work in Australia.

Our personalised services are designed to make your Australian migration process as successful and stress-free as possible. We take the time to understand what each person wants to achieve, and provide honest and accurate advice.

Then, because we know every person and situation is unique, we leverage our Australian migration expertise to develop a personalised plan for every client, and manage every case right to the end, to give you the best chance of success.

  • Inside knowledge and strategies, not available to the public
  • Focused Australian experience and expertise
  • Fully compliant with the Code of Conduct and other legal requirements
  • A secure and efficient process and technology portal for collecting and processing client information into lodgement-ready applications
  • A unique migration plan which is managed right to the end

Advice. Assistance. Advocacy.

Find your best pathway to migration success

We take a personalised approach with every client and are passionate about understanding and helping with your unique migration challenges.

Amanda helped me apply for my PR, and I received confirmation within 3 months of my application

Sara – 190 Visa – Hong Kong

Amanda dealt with both my Temporary and Permanent Residency visas and always put me at ease throughout the process

Marissa – 186 Visa – Ireland